Our colleagues

Who are we? What do we believe in? Find out more about us!

img rolunk klau

Klaudia Emődi

What do I love about it? The feeling of recalling faces and gestures on the way home after a session, because a meeting has taken place, a sentence has been spoken that has never been spoken before, a realisation has been made.

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Dóra Horváth

Drama education is one of the best places to experiment with impunity, teaching us to see in reality that there are usually more than two sides to a coin. There are many more...

Patrik - színész, drámatanár

Patrik Benedek

It was during high school that I was introduced to theatre and all that is valuable, invigorating and empowering. I experienced theatre as a beautifully formed encounter that connects everyone and brings about change.

rounded in photoretrica

Zsófia Balogh

I had been interested in theatre since I was a little child, but it was relatively late, during my high school years, that I realised I wanted to try it for myself. That's how I got involved in the theatre club.

Gabi - színész, drámatanár

Gabriella Király

Music and play. These two activities have defined my life. For many years I taught, directed choirs and drama groups. I feel fortunate to have had unquestionably valuable art forms shaping my daily life.

I'm interested in drama education programmes