Always ready to act!

In our drama education programmes we encourage children to become active in shaping a fictional story, always with an important moral or social issue at its heart. Tailored to the needs and habitus of the participants, our sessions foster communication, group cohesion and empathy in a comfortable environment, while resolving conflicts together in the context of play.

Mesebeszéd - bélyegkép

Mesebeszéd (Tale Talk)

drama education programme for kindergarten and 1st grade

Old King Mumbleton carries the memory of his speech impediment in name only, and has only one regret: he fears that his shy, timid son will never find his mate. But one day a letter arrives from a neighbouring kingdom: Princess Stefania wants to marry him, and of course the suitor has to pass three tests... The children, as characters from the court, accompany Prince Csongor on his adventurous journey and together they pass the tests until they arrive at the palace of the beautiful princess...

Watch a brief video about our programme here .

A sziget - bélyegkép

A sziget (The Island)

drama education programme for students in grades 4-6

Before the great conquests, a group of people lived peacefully on an island. They shared the work, fished, hunted, kept the fire and worshipped the spirit of the island. But the peaceful monotony is suddenly shattered when one day a strange creature is washed ashore.

The stranger speaks no intelligent human language, only blindness, and is extremely aggressive, kicking, biting, hitting and punching. As the days go by, it becomes more and more troublesome and doesn't seem to be tameable. The islanders must decide what to do with the wild man...

Watch a brief video about our programme here .

A hegy - színházi nevelési fogalkozás

A hegy (The Mountain)

drama education programme for students in grades 5-7

Sometime in prehistoric times, two tribes lived isolated from each other on either side of the mountain. They worshipped different gods, had different beliefs about the origins of the earth, different traditions and customs, different ways of eating and dressing.

One day a great flood swept across the land, the sea level rose and the only chance of survival was to flee to the mountain.

When the storm subsided, the survivors were horrified to learn that they would have to share their already cramped and food-poor space with another tribe...

Cybercity - bélyegkép


drama education programme for students in grades 6-9

At some point in the not-too-distant future, if you feel like it and you've paid the monthly fee, you'll find yourself in Cybercity, where you can enjoy your virtual life with the help of your avatar.

In this world, the sky is always blue, there's never a shortage of things to do, and you can make friends with people who might as well live on another continent in the real world. In Cybercity, you're free to do whatever you want, and you only need to return to the real world when you're sleeping or taking your compulsory correspondence courses. Everything here is so wonderful that you wonder why you should ever return to reality...


rePost - bélyegkép


drama education programme for students in grades 7-11

@helga you know, there's a guy I chat with...
@teo yeah? how come? who is it?
@helga oh, I don't know who....I haven't met him in person yet...but he looks really good on his Tinder photo...I really like him!
@teo jaaaaa....xD well listen, I really like you too!

Teó, 16, is a shy and reserved teenager, but he's at home in the online world: playing with friends, chatting with girls and taking advantage of the anonymity. Only occasionally does a parent's question or a classmate's hurtful comment invade this untroubled world. Until one day, Teo meets someone online and recklessly sends a photo of himself...

Watch a brief video about our programme here .

Tengerbiológia - bélyegkép

Tengerbiológia (Marine Biology)

drama education programme for students in grades 9-12

It is almost a foregone conclusion that Tamás will take over his parents' construction business. When he finishes school next year, he will continue his studies in engineering. At least that's what he had planned.

But an experience on a diving course suddenly shatters his vision of the future, and Tamás has to decide whether to take the safe, well-trodden path or try to realise his dream and study marine biology, if there is any realistic possibility of that...

Can we know what we want to do in life at seventeen? How much do external circumstances determine our choices? In this typical career guidance session, questions of gratitude and responsibility are also raised.

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